Durjay Dhali

Student at University of Dhaka


I'M Durjay Dhali

about me

I am Durjay Dhali, Currently studying at University of Dhaka in Physics major. I like working with computers & electronics. I love teaching others & helping them to solve their problems. I HATE working in team. I am a good listener & I don't speak much.

name : Durjay Dhali

age : 21

post : Student

language : Bengali

my education


Student at Govt. BL College, Khulna

Some of the best times of my life I spent here. I miss those days!


Higher Secondary Third year

All cradit goes to covid-19. I also got auto pass this year!


Student at University of Dhaka

Got admitted here after attending a highly competitive exam.

my portfolio

I Haven't done anything in my life!

But I am working on it!

contact me

contact info


Dhaka, Bangladesh.